
Four Squares in Red

I've recently been working on a quilt for my little baby's room. 
Ok, I really have to face the fact that he's not really much of a baby any more.  Seriously, he's trying to walk with those little push toys so my life will now be a little more hectic trying to control a rambunctious infant/toddler.  None the less, he's still MY baby so I will refer to that for as long as I see fit possible.  Maybe even the rest of his life.  (hehehe)
The quilt that I decided on is called Four Square from a pattern out of the Easy Quilt Projects book from Better Homes and Gardens.  I loved the look, but the colors don't really fit into the color scheme I'm planning for his room so I naturally put my own twist on it.
Makes things more fun!!
HERE you can find the link to the pattern and make one for yourself.
But this is what my quilt had ended up looking like:
I really have been so happy with it!
I'm taking to my quilter (Grandma) today and she'll get started on her specialty hand quilting.  Then my Mother helps to do the binding and I can call it a 3 generation quilt.  :)
I sure do love this hobby of mine!

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