
Chicken Caprese Sandwiches

I have to  thank  blame my Sister-in-Law for starting my insane addiction to these yummies.  Yes, you can say I may have lived a bit of a sheltered life during the last couple of years when the huge balsamic vinegar craze erupted, but I really haven't cooked much with it up until recently.  What have I been thinking???  oh man it's delicious!
Well, if you like it as well, you'll love these sandwiches.  If you can make a grilled cheese sandwich you can make these.  The key to it all though.....FRESH INGREDIENTS!
Here's what you'll need:
1 loaf artisan bread sliced into sandwich-sized pieces
1 tomato sliced
2-3 cups diced chicken (a rotisserie chicken works just as well as anything)
1 small loaf fresh mozzarella cheese
5-6 fresh basil leaves (not the dried stuff)
olive oil
balsamic vinegar
So, just start assembling your sandwiches by oiling your bread on one side of each slice (for grilling).  turn your slices over and spoon about 1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar onto one slice.  Layer with a little bit of cheese (amount to your liking), a few pieces of chicken, a slice of tomato, a basil leave - torn into pieces, and a little more cheese. Place remaining slice of bread - oil side up - on top and grill both sides until cheese is melted through and both sides are toasted well. 
When I first had these they were made on a Panini grill, but I have yet to invest in one of those so I just grill mine on a fry pan.  I much prefer the results that the Panini pan gives, but the flavors are still the same. 
I can promise that if you are into the savory flavor that the balsamic adds, you will love these sandwiches just as much as I do! 

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