
January 2014 Visiting Teaching

I've done a lot of blog hopping this last week trying to find a Visiting Teaching message that I felt would be good to share this week.  There a lot of fun and creative ones, but there is one in particular that caught my eye and I just kept going back to.

Photo courtesy Overstuffed

The message this month talks about Christ and how He is the example we should look to in all things we do in our lives.  By coming to this realization and understanding, we can better know Him and have in increased desire to want to follow His example and to become more like Him.

What a great reminder this is to us while we are having a fresh start to a New Year.  Some of us are setting resolutions to follow, so why not make this one of them?  I know it will be on the top of my list. 

Check out the blog Overstuffed to get a copy of the beautiful message above and you too can share you testimony of Christ with the wonderful sisters you visit monthly.

Want to learn more about Visiting Teaching and what I believe? Click HERE.

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