
Hawaiian Haystacks

This is one of those recipes that I file under "comfort food".  It reminds me of home and just one of those yummy dinners my mom would make that all of us kids got to help out with some part of the prep work.  She'd set each of us to work filling a bowl or two with an ingredient while she did the more tedious part like dicing chicken or making gravy.
Now, some of you may have already heard of this but I've found over the last few years of sharing recipes and dinners with friends that there are a few different variances from how we do ours.  None the less, it's a quick and easy recipe that doesn't take a lot of time and you can put whatever toppings you want (or don't want) on them.

Hawaiian Haystacks
2 Chicken Breasts cooked (seasoned to your liking) & diced
2 cups chicken gravy - mixed with 1 tbsp. garlic powder
2 cups Chinese Noodles
1 Tomato diced
1 cup celery diced
1 cup frozen peas
½ cup chopped green onion
1 cup shredded cheese
1 small can pineapple pieces
1 cup chopped nuts (we like cashews)
1 cup coconut
2 cups rice cooked
Stack in order on your plate:
    Chopped Celery
    Green Peas
    Chopped green onions
    Chopped Nuts
    Chicken and Gravy
    Chinese Noodles
    This recipe will usually feed about 4 people, depending on your portion size, but as you can tell it's very easy to double or triple.

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