
Easy Pirate Vest

In honor of all of the spooks and goblins out this month, I'm writing a post to help you mommy's get some ideas of what to do for costumes.  My little guy likes pirates, but two of his best friends LOVE pirates!  Their Mom  asked me to make them each a vest to wear for their costumes and after doing a little searching on my trusty 'ol go-to search engine (Pinterest), I found an awesome tutorial that was just what these little guys were wanting.  You see, it couldn't be any old pirate vest, they wanted to be Jake and Cubby from Jake and the Neverland Pirates.  Never heard of it?  WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING?!  Seriously, any mother of a boy under the age of 8 knows exactly what I'm talking about!!   I think  I could sing any song from that show at the drop of a dime!  Sheesh!
Anyways,  here's the adorable boys in their Jake and Cubby vests that I made for them.
I made both vests from the same pattern, just didn't put a collar on the Cubby vest.  The pattern is so easy, you just need a t-shirt that fits them well and wha-la!  I think I put these babies together in a couple of hours.
The boys were happy with them and let's face it, when it comes to Halloween costumes, that's all that matters!
Go check out the blog Between the Toys for a tutorial on how to make your own Jake and/or Cubby vest.  She does such a great job writing out the step-by-steps of it all.  You can't go wrong!   
(Click HERE to check out her tutorial)
So, there ya go.  Are any of you doing a fun costume for you little goblin this year?  My little girl wants to be a princess and my oldest wants to be a vampire.  The baby is going to be a monkey....   :)
Leave a comment below if you are doing something fun or if you know of any fun links to something you are going to try!  I'd love to see what you are all doing as well.

1 comment:

  1. Larissa,
    I don't know if you remember me, but I just wanted to stop in and say that I love your blog! You're so talented and I always enjoy your posts! Just wanted to say "hi" and let you know that I hope you keep the posts coming!

    -Brooke (Burrows) Miramontes
