
Fudge Nut Bars

As a small child I remember my Great-Grandma making these yummy treats.  As I got older, I learned to make them and thought it was some "secret" family recipe because none of my friends had ever tasted them before.  Well, I'm not sure if it really is a "secret" family recipe, but we'd sure like to claim it as ours!

Fudge Nut Bars
1 c. margarine
1 c. white sugar
1 c. brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
2 ½ c. flour
Cream the shortening and sugar, then add the egg and vanilla. Mix well. In another bowl sift together:
2 ½ c. flour
1 tsp soda
¼ tsp. salt
Stir into the cream mixture. Add 3 cups of oatmeal. Press about 2/3 of dough into a large cookie sheet with sides. Save the rest of the dough for the topping.
12 oz milk choc chips
1 can Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk
2 TBLP margarine
Melt this on the lowest temperature on your stove. Stirring all the time. Remove from the heat when the chips are melted and smooth. Add 1 cup chopped nuts. Spread this on the dough on the cookie sheet. Take the remaining dough and form silver dollar size pieces and put on top of the chocolate mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 – 25 minutes.
  After they have cooled, cute into bars to serve.
*The nuts are optional.  Most of the time I leave them out, especially if I'm taking them to a gathering where some people my have allergies.
Also, the dough will be very sticky so I always keep a small bowl of water next to my work space and keep my finger tips wet to help the dough not stick quite so bad.  Sounds kind of funny, I know, but it helps!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot wait to try these! I swear that I gained 5lbs just reading it. Lol. Thanks for sharing this "secret" recipe!
