
September 2013 Visiting Teaching Message

This month has been a little crazy to say the least.  I haven't been able to think twice about Visiting Teaching and to be honest, since we just moved into a new ward, I don't even have a Visiting Teaching assignment right now.  (I'm sure it will be coming though)
I do, however still make up some little handouts for my mother and friends so I thought I'd look around the w.w.w. for some inspiration.  Well, I found this adorable idea and couldn't resist sharing with you.....
Is that not one of the cutest things you have seen?
I decided that instead of trying to put my own little twist on things, I would make it easy this month and just share with you this message with it's darling handout.
Head over to Pink Polka Dot Creations to get your copy of this handout.  Tie it onto an apple and share with your sisters your testimony of why Self-Reliance is so important to you!!
To print a copy of the Sept. 2013 Visiting teaching handout from the Ensign, click HERE.
 Want to learn more about Visiting Teaching and what I believe?  Click HERE.

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