
Pirate Party

My little J-man wanted a Pirate party for his 5th birthday so, thanks to PINTEREST, I was able to put this together and pull off one fun party for fairly cheap and quite easy.  The kids all had a blast and I'm glad it all came together like it did!
So, here are my tips and advise for putting together an amazing Pirate Party your kids will surely remember for quite some time!
*  First of all, the invites....
You've got to get your guests excited to come to the party before the party even starts and what better way than a fun invitation?!
I thought ours turned out super cute!!
In case you can't read it very well, the front says:
Ahoy me hearties!  Pirate Captain(birthday boy) is turning(age)!  He needs all his mates to help raise the sails and swab the deck for a Swashbuckling Pirate Birthday Adventure!
The back says:
We be settin' sail at (time of party)
on (date)
Captain (birthday boy)'s ship shall be
docked at (place of party).
Be prepared for many adventures, some buried treasure, and a load of pirate grub!
Any landlubbers not wantin' to sail will walk the plank or be left behind!
*  Get some cute decorations...
I borrowed some old chests from some neighbors and printed off a few signs to place at the "entrance".....and of course I failed to get a picture of this..  :(
only the sign...

*  Have a few activities for the guests but not so much it overwhelms them, and make sure they are age appropriate!
We had a dress up station when the guests first got there, to get all decked-out in their pirate gear!
I found some paper hats through Oriental Trading,
Cut some red fabric into 4"x24" strips for them to use as bandanas or belts,
made some awesome SWORDS (tutorial found HERE),
got some temporary tattoos (also Oriental Trading),
and made some paper eye patches.
We had some fun games for the kiddos
             *Searching for Buried Treasure*
                               We just purchased some plastic coins and bead necklaces...again from oriental trading, and buried them a couple of inches deep in our sand box. (Gigantic, I know!)
               *Walking the Plank*
                           (which turned into sword fights on the plank)

             *And a game of Swab the Deck*
                     The kids divided into two teams, starting at one end of the deck they had to use a broom to hit the ball back and forth to each other, not letting the ball fall off the deck, go to one end and back to the start before handing off the broom to the next Matey.  They had a lot more fun than I anticipated with this game!
The Birthday boy's favorite part of the party was his "Treasure Chest" Cake and pirate cupcakes.

Tutorial for the Treasure Chest cake found HERE!
     *Have some fun little goodies for your guests to take home to remember your fun party!*
   We had a brown paper bag for them to take their treasures home that they found in the buried treasure game.  The sack also had some shark fruit snacks, a few extra tattoos, and some chocolate golden treasure candy.  Before they all left, we closed up the bags and attached this cute tag...

My last and #1 most important tip, keep it simple and start planning in advance.  There is NO WAY you can put together a party like this overnight....and, you don't want to be overwhelmed and exhausted before the party even starts!
Have fun and please let me know if you have any questions!!  :)

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