
Strawberry Freezer Jam

This has got to be one of the easiest recipes for jam that I have made.  I can't take credit for it, it's just the recipe inside the pectin box, but my family (mostly the hubby) LOVES it.  We go through it more than water! 
(ok....not really, but I have to make a big batch every May to last us through the year)
I just wanted to share with you how simple it is to make.  My favorite part about it is that you just mix all the stuff together and there is no processing jars or anything. :)  BONUS!!!
So hear you go......
Start out by chopping the greens off your strawberries and dumping the fruit in your food processor.  Pulse it a few times until you get the consistency you like.  If you like
 it kind of chunky, chop it less.  If you like it extra smooth, chop it more.  Once you have all the fruit chopped or pureed, dump it into a bowl.
In a separate bowl, measure out EXACTLY 2 cups pureed fruit and mix with 4 cups sugar.  Let set for 10 minutes to allow the sugar to start breaking down. 
Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, mix 1 pox of pectin (I use Sure Jell) with 3/4 cup water.  Bring to a boil and boil for 1 minute.

After the pectin has boiled for 1 minute, mix it in with the fruit/sugar mixture and stir well.
Pour into sterilized freezer containers....size of your choice.
Let set on counter for 24 hours and then place in freezer to store until ready to use.
This is such a simple recipe and one of the easiest ways I have found to make jam.
Hope you like it as much as we do!

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