
May Visiting Teaching

It's always exciting when that "Conference Issue" of the Ensign comes in the mail.  It helps to refresh my memory of the wonderful talks and messages that were shared with us the month before. 
It also gives us the opportunity to choose our own message to share with the sisters we visit teach.  There were many wonderful messages but I especially liked one from Pres. Uchtdorf titled The Hope of God's Light.
Angelyn over at My Happy Tribe must have felt the same way, because she made this cute handout to go along with it.
Our family is going through a little bit of a hard time right now, watching a very dear loved one in her last stages of a valiant fight with cancer.  When this talk was given last month, my thoughts were immediately turned to her and even more so now that her battle has become more difficult.  I know with my whole heart and with a very firm testimony that our Father in Heaven is there for us in times of light and dark, but it is because of HIM that we can have the strength to move forward in our trying times.  I am so thankful for the gospel in my life and the blessings I have because of it.
I thought it would be special to give the sisters I visit teach a little gift of "Light" to remind them of the nurturing love God has for us at all times in our lives, so I put together this.

It's just a little "gardener's kit" with some gardening gloves, a shovel, a packet of seeds and a copy of the handout.
You can make this as cheap or as spendy as you'd like.  The dollar store around here has gloves and shovels, but if you'd like to get a little higher quality of products, you can spend a little more at Walmart or a gardening store.
Want to learn more about Visiting Teaching and what I believe?  Click HERE.

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