
My 2013 Resolutions...

Yes, I am one of those people - I like to make resolutions for the new year.  I'm kind of a "list" person already, and it helps me to feel a bit more organized I guess.  The majority of the time I don't know that I actually accomplish many by the end of the year, but it helps me to feel that I have at least tried to set a goal, and hopefully strive toward obtaining most of them.  So again, I'm one of those who like to make resolutions. 
Here's my top 13 for the year 2013
(in no particular order - except the last two...they are definately the most important)!
* Practice and perfect free-motion quilting
* Learn to use PSE for my blog design and graphic designing
* Stay on top of my kids' scrapbooking and not have to play catch-up
* Learn how to thread and use my serger better
* Make some matching, butnot identical quilts for my boys' room
* Finish (actually quilt) the quilt I made for my daughters' "big girl" bed
* Repaint the walls and ceiling in our living room/dining room .... it's a massive area!!
* Keep my recipe books updated (I'll do a post about these later)
* Make lots of quilts to build up a stock-pile for future weddings in our family (some weddings may even be happening this year so I really need to get to work)
* Get my ETSY shop up and running
* Get some debts taken care of and be better disciplined with our finances (my income has always been our "extra" and I really, really want to get rid of some car payments and stuff so I can be a stay-at-home-mommy)
*Spend more High Quality Time with my hubby and kids
*Make sure they ^ understand that they always come FIRST in everything in my life!
Do you make resolutions?  What are some that you have set for this new year?

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