
Grout Cleaner that actually WORKS!!

Have I mentioned before how much I LOVE Pinterest?  Well, I do!  There are so many amazing and fun ideas on that site, and I can honestly sit for hours browsing and dreaming of doing all the projects on there.  I rarely get time to do most of them, but it's still a fun place to get some great inspiration.  
A while back I found a pin for this Amazing Grout Cleaner.  We have tile in our kitchen and bathroom so I could not pass up pinning this knowing that it indefinitely needed to be put to use!  I pinned it 30 weeks ago (according to my Pinterest board) and just now have the motivation to try it. Now, I have what I consider to be a fairly big kitchen floor so I knew it would take a while.  
Here's some pics of the project......

I'd like to think I'm not that bad of a housekeeper and that it honestly had not gotten that bad since we put the tile in 6 1/2 years ago, but I guess the basic mopping just wasn't quite doing the job.  The after pics are truly what the real color of what the grout is.  It didn't bleach it, just cleaned it very well!!
The hubby was even so impressed he wants me to get the bathroom done.....maybe this weekend.  After scrubbing the large kitchen floor, this prego momma is tired!  :)
oh and just one more nasty pic to prove how well it works.....here is the towel I used to wipe it up.  It was white before I started, ick!
Here's the recipe for the wonderful stuff!
Try it out and let me know how it works for you.

Amazing Grout Cleaner
7 cups hot water
1/2 cup baking soda
1/3 cup ammonia
1/4 cup vinegar
Mix it all together and put in a spray bottle.  Spray onto grout, scrub well, wipe off with towel.   Let dry and then mop entire floor (I used my steam mop).

One more thing I can check off my Pinterest to-do list!  :)  

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