
Week 2 of FROST

Frost has been at it again this last week at our house.  Things were a little less eventful, but none-the-less exciting for the kids.

Day 8 he was found on the kitchen counter with a sign telling the kids to look in the mirror..... 
Silly elf had painted their noses to look like rudolph while they were sleeping!
 Day 9 he decided to go fishing.
 Day 10 looks like Frost was in a mood to be a gymnist.
J-man was really worried he was going to get a headache hanging upside down like that all day!

 Day 11 he was found hiding in the stockings.
 Day 12 Frost wanted to play basketball in J-man's room.
 Day 13 he was back perched in a good "looking spot" in the living room.
 Day 14  he was found in Rapunzel's teapot.  Good think she can't open the lid and she liked this day because she could actually carry around the teapot without actually "touching" Frost.  He went almost everywhere with her!
 Day 15 (today) we woke up to him hanging upside down tangled in wrapping paper and ribbons.  Maybe he will have better luck next time he tries to wrap a present.
So, that's been our week.  If you want to see what else Frost has been up to so far click Here

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