
Holiday Pinterest Party

I'm sure everyone, by now, has heard of the ever popular PINTEREST.  I have to admit that I am an addict.  My husband teases me non-stop that it's a huge problem that may need some intervention sooner than later.
I saw this idea there and could not pass up the opportunity to get together with some friends and family and do a "Holiday Pinterest Party".  I have a friend that I work with who is a talented crafter and I told her of my idea and she was on board from the get-go.  We started out by picking out 6 different projects that we have found on Pinterest to offer to our guests to choose from.   Here's the 6 we picked...
  This one didn't have a tutorial, we just made up our own.
 Tutorial for the pillowcase found HERE.
I found the cute poem HERE.
 The recipe for the Candy Cane Sugar Scrub can be found HERE.
The inspiration for the sign was found HERE, but it didn't quite match my decor so I revamped it a bit and ended up with this.

 The snowflakes didn't have a link to a tutorial either, but with a pkg of jumbo popsicle sticks, a glue gun and some paint, the 3 of them can be made for fairly cheap!
And last but not least, th candle....didn't turn out so well.
We had troubles with the glue gun melting the candy and the candle so we did our own version of it.  Still pretty cute!

So the ground rules for the party were as follows:
Everyone picked one or as many of the 6 projects and they wanted to do.
RSVP to us at least a week prior so we could get all the needed supplies together.
and last but not least everyone was supposed to bring a Holiday treat fround on Pinterest, along with a copy of the recipe for eveyone to take home.
It ended up being really fun and I had quite a few people say that they would like to do it again sometime.
Here's a few pics of our "Crafters" and the yummy treats we had.
 It was a very fun party and nice to have a "girls day" to just get together before the stress of the holidays sets in!
Thinking of having a Pinterest party? Let me know if you have any questions!

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