
Week 1 of FROST

I mentioned in a previous post that I would try to keep you updated on what Frost has been up to around our house this week....Well here's a quick look.
Day 1 was Frost's first day with us and as mentioned before, he brought us a yummy breakfast straight from the North Pole!

Day 2 the kids found him sitting atop Daddy's deer.

Day 3 took a little longer to find him.  He was hiding in the Christmas tree.

Day 4 was a day that Rapunzel found him first.  They thought it was pretty funny that he was hanging in the light!

Day 5 looked like he was a little tired from his journey to the North Pole the night before.  We woke up to find him napping in the tissue box!

Day 6 was our very eventful day!  Frost colored a picture for the kids and the little Miss thought it was so exciting that he like crayons like she does.  She ended up holding him and about traumatized her brother for all future Christmas'.
(Read the previous post to find out how we recovered from this)

Day 7- Frost seems to be in the mood for some Christmas carols.  He had pulled out some Christmas music and opened it to the song "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town".  J-man is convinced that he is just reminding them that it's still ok that little sister touched Frost.
Well, there ya go.  That's what our last week has entailed.  If you have an elf visitor at your house, I hope you are having as much fun with him as have with our Frost!

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