
A Little Elf Magic

We have loved to have Frost visitng us!  The kids get so excited every morning when they find him in his new spot.  I have to share a little incident that occured yesterday and what we did to resolve it.  Poor little J-Man was almost traumatized. 
We awoke to find Frost in a lower than usual spot and Rapunzel got so excited that she could look at him a little closer.  I went into the kitchen to get some breakfast ready and only moments later heard a terrified "MOM!  Come here quick!"  I hurry back into the living room to find a fear-struck little boy and his little sister joyfully holding Frost and giggling at him.  I had to do everything in my will to not laugh out loud because I knew what was about to go down.
J-man looked at me and in an almost whisper says "Mom, she is touching Frost.  We are not supposed to touch him or he will loose his magic and can't fly back to visit with Santa.  Are we not going to get any presents now?"  I had to think fast and assured him that as soon as he went to school I would call Santa and explain to him what had happened and that Rapunzel had made a mistake.  J-Man seemed a bit happier with that answer but I was quizzed multiple times in the next 45 minutes before he went to school of how I know Santa's number and if I was sure they would still be able to get some presents on Christmas. 
The next couple of hours brought a lot of brain-storming on my part and luckily there are many other bloggers out there that have had elf-visitors a their house and surprisingly enough some of them have had similar incidences happen.  I can't remember exactly where I saw this so I'm sorry if any one feels I'm "stealing their idea" but after I spoke with Santa on the phone he immediately sent out some new Elf Magic dust for the kids.  Mail at the North Pole must travel pretty quickly because we had our special pkg from Santa (along with the rest of the mail) before J-Man got home from school.
Santa explained to just sprinkle a little over the top of Frost's head and let him sit on the shelf for the rest of the day.  The magic dust would sink in through Frost through the day and by that night he would have all of his magic back to be able to go back and see Santa again.  I think Frost must have had a talk with Santa about being more careful of where he is found because when we got up this morning he was definately in a place where tiny hads can't reach. 
Here's a picture of our special package fom Santa and the mail addressed directly from the North Pole.  J-man knew it must be from the North Pole because of the reindeer stamp and the envelope was all glittery and "magic looking".

I hope you never have to call Santa to get some more Elf Magic, but just incase you do....know that he does have some!  ;)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that I had that kind of imagination when the boys were little. You have created one special memory for those little ones.
