
Chistmas In.....August??

I had to come to the realization today that I can quilt and piece better than I can sew.  I know that sounds funny because sewing is part of quilting, but I use the term "SEW" in the sense of making clothes.  This is something I definately need to practice.  Especially seeing that I have a little girl and there are so many fun patterns for clothes and skirts out there.  
Our local fabric shoppe was have a Christmas In August sale and I thought I'd tackle a project and make our little "Rapunzel" a skirt for the upcoming Holiday season.  I found an adorable line of Grinch fabric and fell in love with Cindy Lou Who.  "Rapunzel" shows a resemblance of her being that they are both tiny with a cute button nose and cute hair so I thought it would be very fitting!!!  The skirt was definately not as simple as I thought it was going to be.  4 hours later, this is what I have....
 A BIG shout out and thank you to the amazing woman in my ward who happened to be there and helped me pick out the fabric for it. 
I LOVE how it turned out. 
I brought it home and showed my little "R" and she instantly wanted to try it on. 
This skirt is fairly small for my teeny tiny two-year-old (17.5 inch waist and 10 inch length), but it can easily be adapted for any age and size.  Now I can just keep practicing and make more for other holidays and maybe even just some fun play skirts!!

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