
Criss-Cross Braids

So to get back into my blogging routine, I've decided to start off with a little tutorial for this cute little hair-do I came up with after playing with my little Rapunzel's hair.   It looks a lot more complicated than it is.  Trust me!!!
And yes, the first photo was from the first time we tried this hair style.  I just came up with this not knowing what it would end up like, and didn't take photos as I went along.  The rest of the photos are from the second time when I decided to actually write up a tutorial for it.  Don't mind the wardrobe change on the little miss.  If your little one is anything like her, that's fairly normal anyways.  

So to start off, you will need to part the hair into 4 sections.  Part down the middle and then across, securing each section with an elastic.
 You will then take the top pony-tails and braid them securing them to the opposite ones on the bottom.  Like so....

 Next braid the bottom pony-tails.
 Bring each pony tail across to the other, securing with a bobby pin.
 The ends will stick out and look a little crazy, but that's ok.  You are just going to get your flat iron or curling iron and curl the ends under.  Or over....whichever way you want to look at it.  
The curls will just go out.  Toward you.
 Fluff them out a bit and spray with some hair spray and you are set!


1 comment:

  1. This is just the cutest!!! Love it, your Facebook blog group buddy.
