
Facebook Followers

It was recently brought to my attention that some of my Facebook Followers had not been receiving update notifications for a while.  The best thing we could come up with is this:

REMEMBER: You need to stay "active" with my posts on Facebook to continue receiving updates.
How do you do this?   Simply LIKE or COMMENT on my posts.  The more often you do so, the higher on your News Feed my blog's Facebook page will be.  Facebook can tell who you interact with the most frequently, and who you don't.  If you fail to have some type of interaction with your favorite pages, they will eventually stop appearing on your news feed.  And yes, it works this way with not only pages, but your personal friends as well so......SHARE THE LOVE!

So, click on THIS link, and go ahead and browse through my Facebook page to see if there is something you are interested in.

Thanks to all of you who continue to support me in my blog postings and for putting up with all of my crazy ideas. ;)

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