
Quick and Easy Summertime Birthday Gift

My little princess was invited to a birthday party last week, and I just wanted to share with you the cute little gift we put together.  Best part of it all.....we put it together for just over $6 (after tax)!!  Can't beat that!
Isn't it adorable?
So, here's the run down of what went into putting this together.
I made a stop at the local Walmart and after browsing the toy department and not being very happy with the selection to choose from, I found myself in the "seasonal" department.   You would honestly be surprised at some of the things you can find there for under $1!!
This is what we were able to round up:
A jump rope, a light-up bouncy ball, a large jug of bubbles, lip gloss, a sand pail, and sidewalk chalk.
Now, let me tell you a little secret.  When shopping for gift ideas and putting together a gift basket, it's best to find a container that you can use as part of the gift.  That way it's kind of like a 2 for1 type thing!  I grabbed the sand pail first, and then starting layering things in to see how they would fit.  Although you may get funny looks from other shoppers, just do it!  There's nothing worse than getting home and not having enough room in your "gift basket".
The thing I like most about this gift is that even though this is obviously themed for a girl, you could easily change things up and have it be for a boy.  Buy a blue sand pail instead of purple, and a green jug of bubbles with a small squirt gun instead of lip gloss.   Seriously, you can't go wrong with these items.  Any kid is sure to love it!
Now, once you get home, pile all of your items into you "gift basket" (aka sand pail) like so........
then, wrap it up in a bunch of cellophane and secure it with your favorite bow. 
Attach a cute little gift tag for the birthday kid and there you have it! 
A great gift for just over $6!
***Check back tomorrow and I'll show you a quick tutorial on how to make the cute little bow I have on this gift.  My version of what I call "Junk Bows".

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