
Why Does It Really Matter Either Way?

Ok, so I'm going to rant for today and get some things off of my chest on how I feel about a certain topic that has come to be quite popular on my personal Facebook Feed.  A lot of my friends have been posting links to articles and topics about how the fact of celebrating holidays has gotten completely out of hand and that people just need to "tone things down a notch".
Well, today I'm here to say, WHY DOES IT REALLY MATTER EITHER WAY?
Now, for those of you who follow my blog, you know that I'm more of an advocate for the celebrations.  I love to have parties, make a big fuss of things, and get the kids excited about the little things in life. 
However, I completely respect those who do not.  I don't look down on you for thinking that things are overly commercialized, or maybe you are just too busy to do those types of things.  That's ok!  There is nothing wrong with that!!  You are you, and I would hope that in return you would not loath, and resent me for wanting to do those things.  I do agree that things are becoming a bit over-commercialized, and there are times that I don't make much more than an acknowledgment by decorating my kitchen table in the current holiday colors, but I still like to make a fuss of things for my kids to enjoy while they are little and while they have that little spark of magic in their spirits.
While I've been thinking about this topic a lot lately and finding it quite funny that a lot of people actually feel that they have to "justify" to everyone by posting links to how they feel about things getting carried away.  Let me tell you something (and here's the kicker where some of you may get offended), NO ONE CARES!  No one is judging you because you didn't wake up and make heart-shaped pancakes on Valentines Day, or make red-white-and blue striped jello on the 4th of July, or make a homemade costume on Halloween!  You are you!! Do what you do and realize that the creative-minded people in the world do the things they do for a sense of accomplishment and to share a talent.  If you feel you don't like to do those things, or can't do them, it's ok.
My heart kept going back to an article I read about a month ago.  I came across THIS beautiful article written by Whitney Permann of Mercy River, and over the last couple of weeks, a lot of my friends on Facebook have been posting a link to it.  I wanted to share it with you today and hope that you can take into your hearts the meaning behind it.
Photo courtesy of Mercy River

(Click HERE to read the story)
Now, after reading this, I would sure hope that you can find it as a message, and to understand and feel peace that it's ok that you don't want to make a big fuss of what others find to be important.  Your kids are not going to hate you for it or love you any less, just as the children of those mothers who to like to have big celebrations won't love them any more for doing so. 
God gave us our children because we need to be the mother that we were created to be for them.  
There's a reason I don't have my best friend's children as my own and that she doesn't have mine.  Each of us, as daughters of God, were blessed with certain talents to share with others, and most importantly to share with our individual families and children. 
We have been given the responsibility to nurture and love them and to teach them about His gospel and love.  Our children need to learn the things that we can teach them.  Otherwise, they would have been sent to another mother that could teach them of her talents. 
Now, please, let's end this little Mommy War and just agree to disagree.
We are all beautiful, talented, AMAZING mothers no matter what types of things we choose to make a fuss over in our children's lives.  

1 comment:

  1. Well said, I've also noticed these comments and have been a little bugged by them. I plan on being true to me and my kids, and have no judgement cast either way!
