
March 2014 Visiting Teaching Message

This month has just seemed to fly by for me.  I'm sorry I'm a little late posting this, but I still wanted to share with you a cute little handout I found for the
March 2014 Visiting Teaching Message.
Thanks to the wonderful blog Spiritual Thinking for providing this adorable handout.
Head on over to her blog to print your copy, and find lots of other fun ideas that will not only be inspiring, but spiritually uplifting. 
I paired this cute little handout with a plate of yummy cookies (found HERE).
You can also print a copy of this months message over at LDS.org.
I was especially inspired with this month's message.  As a mother of young children, I found it hit very close to home that our own apostles are conseling us, most importantly, in these uncertain days to be mindful that our actions are notices by everyone.  The message talks about us holding up our own light and being the example, to let that light show to all the world.  It is up to us to show others the way Christ wants us to be.   To become more like Him. 
Want to learn more about Visiting Teaching and what I believe?  Click HERE.

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