
French Triple Twists

Having a little girl is so much fun!  However, it can be kind of frustrating each morning when you are trying to come up with something new and fun to do with her hair.  The other day my little princess was actually in a mood where she wanted me to do her hair, so we played around a bit and came up with this new little style I call
French Triple Twists.
It's so easy, and really, fairly quick!   I thought today I'd post a little tutorial and you can try it out on your little girl as well.  :)
Start by parting the hair in half.
 Now, take a section at about the line of her ear, and pull it into a ponytail.  Don't secure the elastic too tight next to the head.  You want there to be a little room to work with at this point.  Just not too much.
I leave about an inch from the head to the elastic.
 Turn the hair (topsy-tail style) and then pull tight to secure.
 Next take another section of hair into a pony tail and repeat the topsy-tail process.
The next couple of photos are incase you don't know what that means...

 Take your first pony tail and tuck it behind the twist of the second.
 Gather the hair from the first and second pony tails and secure them into a 3rd pony tail and make another topsy-tail.
 Pull hair tight to secure in place.
Repeat on the other side of the head and finish off by curling the ends of the hair, or curl ringlets to make a little more dressed up look.

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