
Easy "French Braids"

My little Rapunzel's hair is getting longer and longer every day, and we just got her first trim (at the age of almost 3).  Even though her hair is getting long, it's still pretty fine and has a hard time holding a braid for very long, let alone a French braid.  One hot summer day she actually wanted me to do her hair and after a handful of pony-tail holders and a long talk about princesses and tea parties, we came up with this...

There really isn't much explanation of how to do it.  Simply part the hair down the middle from the front to back.  start in the front, sectioning off a piece of hair and instead of separating it into three strands to braid, secure it with an elastic band and repeat going down each side, adding the previous piece into the next. 
Little Rapunzel seemed happy with it and after tucking the ends into a messy bun, it proved to be a great "do" for a day of swimming in Grandma's backyard. 

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