
Coffee Filter Flower Deocration

I've had a few adventures in failures/successes while trying to decorate our new house.  The recent project that I consider a pretty big success is this cute hanging flower decoration that I made, out of coffee filters!!!
It ended up being a very cheap project to make and also super cute!
I just love when it works out that way.
It was honestly so easy that I decided to write up a little tutorial on how to do this.
I hope it makes sense and if something doesn't, and you have any questions....please leave me a comment below!
Alright now,  the supplies you will need are as follows:
A hot glue gun
1 piece of cardboard (I used an 8 inch cake round because I had it laying around, but you can make these into any shape and size.  Just have fun with it!)
1 pkg of coffee filters (any color.  They come in white and brown or you can dye the white ones to get any color you'd like)
Ribbon of your choice if you want it to have the "hanging look"
Start off by separating a good amount of coffee filters and pulling them from the center to make a point...like so....
After you have a pile of those, you can start gluing.  Just put a dab of glue on the point and place it on your cardboard piece.  I suggest starting in the center and working your way out.

 I suggest using the eraser end of a pencil to help place the filters on  the cardboard when it starts to get more full.  It's tough getting it all filled in the smaller areas and you can only burn your fingertips so many times before you are ready to give up!
Just keep gluing until you have it as full and tight as you'd like.
I bought a pkg of filters with about 250 count and only ended up using 3/4 of the pkg.

When you like how you have it, attach the ribbon to the back in a V-shape and hang on your wall.  I used a small Command hook instead of a nail because I like to change up my décor so often! 
This little project honestly took me about 45 min from start to finish.
This hangs in my little Rapunzel's bathroom, which also serves as our main bath right off the front living room.  I LOVE how it looks in the bathroom and now just need to find a little something for a pop of color!

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