
My New Look

I can not even begin to explain how excited I am about the new look I have here at my blog!
A HUGE shout-out to Brielle over at
She did such an amazing job.
Doesn't it look absolutely adorable?!?!
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!!
If any of you are interested in having a facelift on your blog, I highly recommend her!  She is very quick and affordable and obviously has an incredible talent for it.  :)
Check out her Etsy shop HERE for more info.
Now, I just have to add real quick how much I appreciate all of my followers.  You guys are awesome.  It's fun to have a blog to share my ideas and projects with, and I love the feedback I get from all of you, keep it coming!
I have a lot going on in the next week.....We will be having a new little one join our family so I may not get around to posting very often, but please be patient and I will get back to it as soon as I can.
I just need a little while to enjoy my time off work with him!!  :)
However, there are some more exciting things to come when I can get back into the swing of things, so check back for some fun things!

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