
100-Eyed Monster Shirt

J-Man is in Kindergarten this year and they are doing a fun little celebration this week to mark their 100th day of school.  He brought home a note the other day asking us to help our kids make/decorate an item of clothing to be worn on this big day.  This piece of clothing had to have have 100 things attached to it, whether it be glued, painted, pinned or sewn on.  I got to work asking him what he would like and he wanted a monster shirt.  This is what we came up with.....
And let me tell you, he is more than happy with it!

Want to make a 100-eyed monster shirt?  It's so easy!  Here's what you need.
A T-shirt of any color (in the size that fits your little one)
A Sharpie
1 pkg of googly eyes
(I found this pkg of 150 pieces at Walmart in the craft section for about $5)
something for a separator...I used a brown paper bag
A glue gun

Now, I just used a glue gun so if you want something more permanent, you will have to find a different adhesive.  Either way I doubt you can dry it because of the googly eyes possibly melting in the dryer.  :S

Place your separator in between the layers of your shirt to prevent the glue from sticking to the back and your marker from bleeding through.
Count out 100 eyes (this was J-Mans job), and just start gluing them on in a somewhat circular shape. 
 Then have fun drawing some sort of monster head on your shirt.  Luckily, I have an artist for a husband so he helped us out...   : )  
J-Man is so excited to wear his shirt to school and show all of his friends the 100 eyes he counted and helped mom put on the shirt.  
Like I said, it's a very easy project and from start to finish probably only took about 30 minutes (most of which was counting to 100).

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