
Oh My, Cuteness!

I have a friend that asked me a couple of weeks ago if I would be willing to help her make a curtain for her daughter's room.  I willingly accepted, hoping I was capable of what she was wanting and told her to just bring me the fabric and measurements of her window and I'd get to work ASAP.  A few days later she brought some of the cutest fabric.  It looked like it would go together really well, but I had no idea what her little one's room looks like so I figured she knew what she wanted and I'd just do my best!  She also brought me a little sketch of what she was wanting and the measurements.  I had honestly done something kind of similar but not exact so deep down I was a little nervous and just prayed I could do it. 
Here's what I was looking at:  We were hoping to achieve a valance that has 4 layers of ruffles, each being a different fabric.  The total width of the window was 74 inches and the curtain needed to end up being about 18-20 inches long.  Not too bad eh?  Well, the bedroom is also on the front of the house so I told her she may want a neutral fabric to use for a "liner" per-say so that when the blinds in the room are open, you dont see all this colorful fabric.  She found something that worked perfectly so I sat down and got to work figuring what measurements I'd need to make this all uniform and come together.  My biggest worry was messing it up and not being able to just got get more fabric. 
(We don't have alot of options around here for fabric choices so we shop out of town.....like 2 hours away)
Now, most of the time when you do a valance, you can just sew a straight line of fabric, cram it on the curtain rod and fan it out to give it the ruffle look.  It's not so easy to get it uniform when you are doing layers of ruffles though.  LUCKILY, they have invented a ruffling foot for your sewing machines and it makes life so much easier with projects like this.  Thank heavens!
So, here are some pics of the finished product. I absolutely LOVE how it turned out!!

 Thanks again Ashley for having faith in me to do this!  It was lots of fun.  :)
******If your interested in having me make something like this for you, email me at thechocolateinmylife@gmail.com for details and pricing.***** 

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