
Week 4 of FROST

This post is a little late updating, but that's what happens when you are without internet service for a week....no blog update.  Sorry!
Anyway, here is some of Frost's latest in his last week with us.
 Day 24 he was playing UNO.
 Day 25 he was haning out on J-Man's picture.
 Day 26 was a huge snowday for us.  We had recieved about a foot of snow the day before so Frost decided to build an indoor snowfort and have a snowball fight with his snowman....the kids though this was hilarious!
Day 27 he was hanging from the ceiling fan strings. 
Day 28 Frost was holding on to the candycan by the front door.  He needed a good view of everything going on so he could make sure the kids were being extra good so close to Christmas! 
In true Elf on the Shelf fashion, Day 29 he was sitting atop the shelf in the living room reminding the kids that there are only 2 more days until Christmas!! 
Day 30 was Frost's last day with our family this year.  It was kind of a crazy day but he was thoughtful enough to write the kids a letter telling them how much fun he had with our family and that he can't wait until next year to come back again.  He also told the kids that Santa had given him a special privelege that right before bed time the kids could each give him a hug and a kiss and tell him goodbye.  Frost also said that because they had been so good, he brought them an early gift to enjoy Christmas Eve night;  A new game for our family to play!!
We had so much fun with Frost this year and it was so much fun watching the kids get attatched to him so much.  Honestly, it was kind of emotional watching them say goodby to him that night.....but I know for sure that next year they will be super excited when he comes to visit again!!!
Want to see what fun things Frost did this year?  Check out the links below to see the 30 days he spent with us!
and of course the post above!
Do you have some ideas you'd like to share?  Leave me a comment!  Frost can always use lots of ideas for next year!  :)

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