
Christmas has arrived at our house!

and I could not be happier!  :)
The hubby tells me I have to wait until after Thanksgiving is over to put up any kind of decorations, and I do.   The day after is our big decorating day.
This year however, we have a little visitor who will be staying with us until Christmas Eve.....
He brought the kids breakfast all the way from the North Pole!
It was quite the breakfast as well, truly fit for an elf!
Muffins, puff dounuts and hot cocoa. He did think to add something healthy, a banana, but of course I was the only one that ate one.  haha
Daddy sat down and told the kids all about our elf's story and how he came to live at our house.
(little Rapunzel was too busy looking at the elf to listen to the story)
Our little elf has been given the name of Frost and J-man and Rapunzel and more than excited to see what kind of mischief and surprises he will be bringing to our house while we wait for Christmas to come.

Stay tuned and I will try to keep you posted on what antics Frost will be up to.


  1. Very cute!!! I have wanted to do the Elf on a shelf for a few years now and I still have yet to do it! I am seriously lacking! Great Job!

  2. Your blog is so cute Larissa, My one son has your elf's "Brother" or "cousin" maybe? his name is Sheldon and he comes up with some pretty clever things that make us chuckle! Enjoy your new visitor!
