
My Long Absence....

I feel like I need to apologize that I haven't posted anything for quite a while!!!  Life has kind of taken over lately and this is why.....
oh my, has it ever been bad this time around!!
So pleases just hang in there and keep checking back for posts.
Between not feeling so great, a little one starting kindergarten this year, and work getting even more busy than it was, I'm just trying to keep it all together and find "spare time" to blog. 
I'm hoping today I can get a Visiting Teaching handout put together and posted (yes, even that has been put off this month). 
However, my ultimate goal for the day is to maybe, fingers crossed, sneak in a nap of my own durring the little one's nap time.
Thanks for following and again,  stick with me through the next few months and I will really try to get some fun things posted!!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! That is so exciting... not the morning sickness though. That really is the worst, I hope that it will ease up soon!
