
In Times of Need

First of all, I'm sorry it's been a few days since I have posted.  There has been a lot going on around this house, and other homes in which we are close with.  It has been a long past-couple-of-days and definately one of those times where I have had an experience with realizing the love our Father in Heaven has for each and every one of us. 
Now, I'm not going to go about naming any names.  Some of you that read this will know exactly what I'm writing about and others will have no clue. And quite frankly, thats the whole point of this post;  To make each of you think of the love our Father in Heaven has for you
A few days ago I recieved a phone call that was a little shocking, but also comforting.  Shocking in the sense of the news I was recieving, but comforting because I knew that I was there for that someone in their time of need.  Have you ever had that opportunity? 
The last few days have been a whirlwind.  After the phone call, I have had a lot of time to think and pray.  Pray for comfort for this certain someone and think about how I would feel if I were in their shoes.  It has been a huge testimony builder for me to know that our Father in Heaven is there for us no matter what.  That even if we stray from the path, He LOVES US!  There is a reason we have the repentance process in the church and He wants us to utilize it
in times of need. 
It's amazing to see how often people pass judgment when that is one of the things that is stressed most in the teachings; not to judge.  It's also incredibly heart-wrenching to watch someone being judged when you know they are being harder on themselves than anyone else ever will be.     
I came across this quote from President Dieter F. Uchtdorf and it was so fitting!
I'm sure we have all had experiences with the Atonement and we each have a testimony of it.  I just write this post in hopes that the next time you have an opportunity of supporting some one in their time of need, you remember how it was when you were in time of need. 
Don't pass judgement.  It's not our place and it's not what someone needs when they are going through such a hard time.  Be there for them and help them to remember that we love them and our Heavenly Father loves them.  And to me,  that is all that we need.  The Love of our Father in Heaven. 

To learn more about the LDS church and what I believe, go to www.lds.org

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