
Valentine Gift Idea #1

Valentine Pocket Cozies
I'll admit right now, I'm titling this post Gift Idea #1, but I may not get around to posting a lot of gift ideas.  I'm mainly posting the #1 so that next year, I can add a #2 and so on.....
Anyway, we have been having some very cold temperatures around here lately.  I saw a cute little video back around Christmastime and thought, why not use the same concept, but make it Valentines themed?!
Well, I gave it a shot and easily enough this is what  I came up with.

Click on the link below, to see a video of how to make these. 
I just swapped out the snowflake for a heart.
(the actual Cozie tutorial doesn't start until about the 00:57 mark)
I packaged a couple cozies up into a cellophane bag with some sparkly gift raffia and a handful of chocolate kisses.
Tie it off with a cute ribbon and finish it off with this adorable little gift tag.
(Just right click on the tag above, save it to your desk top and then print it with your favorite printing program.  You can print it at whatever size you'd like, but I found it to work best as a 3x5.)
I made a bunch of these up for my little girl to give to her dance teachers and also for my little boy to give to his teacher (aka Grandma).
Simple, quick and cheap!

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