
Updating An Old Dresser Into A Beautiful TV Cabinet

I would not even come close to claiming to be a professional, let alone comfortable with flipping furniture (not in the literal way).  However, I do find some sense of wonderful accomplishment in taking a junky, run-down piece and making it look new and updated.   Some of you may have seen the Wing-Backed chairs that I did HERE, and I still have yet to post a photo of the dresser I fixed up for my little princess.
Well, this last weekend I started up a project that ended up being one of my favorites so far! 
(Please don't mind the Wii cord, it still has yet to be run through the wall. And yes, my hubby thinks he needs to have his little touch in decorating as well with the antlers.)
Isn't it beautiful?!
I do have to say though, to get the full effect of it you need to see the before and after.
Pretty nice if I do say so myself! 
I still feel gitty every time I walk into my basement and see my new little gem!
Now, for this project I used about 5 cans of the Rustoleum brand Paint/Primer in one Semi-Gloss black spray paint.
Spray paint?  Yes!   I have found it so much easier than rolling paint and trying to avoid brush marks and smears.  You just need to be careful not to spray in one spot for too long, to avoid the paint running.
I started out by deciding where I wanted my drawers to stay and then just started disassembling from there.  I took the drawers runners out of the sections I wouldn't be using and then gave the inside a nice even coat of paint, then moved to the outside.  I used about 3 decent coats on the outside to make sure there were not any splotchy areas.
My hubby ever so willingly  cut some pieces of nice MDF board for me to use for the "shelf" areas in the open areas.  We had to secure a few pieces of 2x4's to the back to give it a lip to rest on the back as well. 
Once I had all of the wood painted how I liked, I added some new hardware to the drawers.  I have a lot of the Oil-rubbed bronze finished throughout my house so I liked these drawer pulls to kind of help tie it all together.
I found the cute baskets at my local Kmart for $13/piece, and I'm considering adding some new fabric to the liners to give it a little pop of color.
I didn't do any kind of distressing, simply because I like the clean look more than the shabby-chic look, but if you are fixing one up for yourself, you can do whatever you'd like!
The most important thing I've found when doing projects like this is to take your time and don't rush.  Especially while paining.  Give it adequate drying time and plenty of coats.   I promise, you will need at least 2, no matter what kind of paint/primer you use.
All in all, this project was done on a fairly cheap budget.  I picked up the dresser at a local yard sale for $30, the new hardware was $12, the wood was $25, the baskets were $40, and I spent about $20 in paint.
Approximately $130 for a nice sturdy wood cabinet is not too bad if you ask me!
To go and buy one for this size and quality would definitely cost a whole lot more!
So, I'd like to know if any of you have flipped some of your furniture lately.  I'd love to see your projects, so link up in the comments below and let me know what you think of mine!

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