
Etsy Shop is NOW open!!

I am seriously  so excited about this!  I don't know why, but it's something I've wanted to do for a while now!  Thankfully it's finally all fallen into place and I got things together enough to open shop.
So, check it out here:
And FYI, in the future, there is a link to my shop if you click on the "Shop" banner above.
There's not a huge variety of things listed as of right now, but it's still a start.
Keep checking back and I will add things as often as I can.
I'll also try to tag my posts as Etsy Listings if it is an option, so keep an eye open for that.  As much as I love explaining DIY's and showing pics of what I've done, I understand that not everyone likes to do it for themselves so I will offer some things for sale.
Remember:  if you see something you like, and are a follower of this blog, you can qualify for a discount and possible free shipping.  Just ask me how!
Thanks again for all of your support!

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