
"Dutch Braids"

Today's post is a little quick hair-do for my little Rapunzel that has come to be our go-to-do during these last couple of months.  It's been great to get her hair out of her face and off her neck so she can run and play outside and try to keep up with everything her big brother is doing.  She's getting fairly long hair, but the sides still are not quite long enough to hold an actual French braid, so this is what we came up with....
It's very simple to do and quite quick!
You start with simple pigtails just behind and at the top of the ear, braid them, and secure them at the nape of the neck.  If the remaining hair is long enough, you can twist it into a little messy bun.  I just leave it and curl the ends under.  Add a cute bow or flower and there you go!

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