
Week 3 of FROST

Frost has been ever so buys at our house once again....and has definately not disappointed!  Every morning he has some new surprise for us and the kids are as content as can be!

 He had trapped them in their rooms with crepe paper and I guess, wanted to hang out in the hallway all day!
Day 17 he was found brushing his teeth.  Even elves know it's important to have good hygine!! ;)

Day 18 Frost had written his name on the counter with some cereal.

Day 19 looks like he had been having a party the night before!  He was found reading an eye spy book with lots of friends.  J-man and Rapunzel thought this was hysterical!!!

Day 20 he just hung out beind the TV all day.  Honestly, it's a pretty good spot to be able to watch how good the kids are being.

Day 21 Frost got caught eating some of the Christmas candy.  He even still had some all over his face.  He needs to learn to be a little more sneaky.

Day 22 Frost brought us a new Christmas movie.

Day 23 (today) we woke up to Frost hanging in the doorway with a special note for the kids.  The day before had been a pretty crazy day and luckily Frost noticed.  He just wrote a little reminder to them that he is always watching and since they hadn't been minding very well yesterday, he had to tell Santa.  He also reminded them that they only have 9 more days until Christmas so they better be extra good from now on or else.......
Rapunzel didn't understand it all, but J-Man was set straight and has been a lot better about not tormenting his sister and minding Mom and Dad.  It sure is nice to have Frost around to help keep the kiddos in line ;)

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